Works roundup, 6/17 (Leif & Thorn, Moon Knight, WandaVision)

Leif & Thorn
Suits in sunbeams (art | Leif/Thorn | worksafe)
Magical Mulberry (art | Woman in Black | worksafe)
Heart Sky (wallpaper | Leif/Thorn/Kale | worksafe)
Cat collage (art | Brea, Tiernan, Jasmine, cats | worksafe)
Thorn’s heart (art | Leif/Thorn | worksafe)

Moon Knight
MCU Museum Meetup (comic | Layla + Marlene | PG)
Critter Ears (art | Jake, Steven, Marc, Inner Child, suit | worksafe)

Moon Knight/WandaVision
Here’s What You Missed, chapters 8-10 (fic | Marc, Jake, Steven, Wanda, Darcy, Layla, Elias, ensemble | T)

Moon Knight/other Marvel
Cool Space Avengers (art | Fury, Kamala, Carol, Wade | worksafe)
Gregorian Chant And/Or Cult (art | Katy, Shang-Chi, Wong, Strange, America | worksafe)
Surreptitious Testing (art | Darcy, Wade | worksafe)
The Friends (art | Sam/Bucky, Layla, Duchamp | worksafe)

This Week in But I’m A Cat Person:
Annotated reruns of Pride-Month-themed bonus features!

This Week in Leif & Thorn:
Kale gets some feelings out during a “corporate cult survivors” support group.

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