AO3 + AI spam + guest comments

AO3 got a wave of spam comments a few weeks ago (including lots of “I bet this junk was written with [AI program the bot is advertising]” abuse), and part of their response was, new works are now default-marked as “only registered users can comment.”

If you, like me, enjoy getting guest comments but will definitely not remember to change the default setting every time you post something new, here’s a little browser script to automatically swap it back.

Feels like part of a much bigger sea change in how people use the internet. When blogs were widespread but social-media sites hadn’t really taken off, “allow guest comments” was…kind of the expectation? Forums were big there too, and it wasn’t expected on forums, but every WordPress-based blog defaults to allowing them, every Livejournal fork (including Dreamwidth) defaults to allowing them.

(This is only feasible if you have some robust spam-filtering software underneath. I just checked Leif & Thorn, there are 8 garbage comments in the spam filter right now. Including, hilariously, one that says “why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your weblog when you could be giving us something informative to read?” Guess how many videos are in that post. Go on, guess.)

The next generation of platforms, you have to be logged-in just to interact. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Youtube…on and on and on. All of them want to be their own little walled gardens.

Protocols like OpenID have been around that whole time! We have the software for (say) Facebook to accept a Tumblr login as a recognized “account” and vice versa! But the corporate will to adopt it isn’t there. Facebook doesn’t want users to have the option of using another site as their home base. They want everyone to be forced to use Facebook, or else.

AO3 was specifically built by Livejournal content-purge refugees, so it has LJ-style defaults built in. I bet nobody signing up for AO3 in 2024 has used LJ. I wonder how many of them have ever used any other platform that allowed guest comments? There have to be a lot of users who never thought “I want to turn off the guest-comments option” because it didn’t occur to them that guest comments are A Thing Platforms Let You Do in the first place.

On the one hand, there’s something to be said for meeting people where they’re at. User-friendliness is good!

On the other…not allowing guest comments is something FB/T/T/IG/YT/etc do to force signups, drive up their profits, juice their statistics for the benefit of advertisers and investors. It’s a bummer that this ethos has gotten so entrenched in the internet-at-large that AO3 — which has none of those motives! — is still getting swept along with it.

I just hope they never get pressured to remove the option completely. AO3 is not a corporate walled garden — it’s a community for anyone who cares about fanfiction, whether you take the extra step and make an account, or not. We deserve communities like that! We deserve, in general, an internet where platforms like that still exist.

Face mask rec

Got a pack of new cloth face masks on Etsy, figured I would give them a shoutout.

The shop is LochNessLocker, they have hundreds of beautiful patterns, the size is adjustable and the fit is great. (There’s a long note with more details about the manufacturing, for anyone with specific concerns.) I ordered 4, they sent me 6 — and they clearly paid attention to my taste in the original order, because the bonus masks were also styles I would’ve picked.

I was wearing this one at work the other day, and a random teenage patron straight-up stopped me to compliment it:

Shooting stars night mask

The number of people still masking in public in 2024 is depressingly low — and, look, if all you have is cheap medical masks, I get it. They’re ugly, they’re not reuseable, you wear them once and look like you live in a hospital and then they’re off to pile up in the landfill.

But there are so many nicer options out there! These are comfortable, they look good, they can coordinate with your outfits, you can throw them in the wash and keep wearing them for years. Any time you want to freshen up your anti-viral wardrobe, give this shop a look.

Multifandom recs, 5/9 (Colbert Report, Evangelion, Battlestar Galactica/Glee, Moon Knight, X-Men, Murderbot)

  • Colbert Report | Jon/”Stephen” | G | Stories from the Cabin
    Oneshots about “Stephen” and Jon living in their retirement cabin. (And being very married.)
    series:fake news,pairing:jon_’stephen’,fic:chaptered
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion | Shinji/Kaworu, Asuka, Rei, Misato | T | Wolf Tone
    Post-Third Impact, Shinji faces his strangest trial yet: providing witness testimony in the case against the defense organization known as NERV.
  • Battlestar Galactica | New Directions, Mr Shu, ensemble | T | Those Who Lift Each Other
    When the Cylons attacked the Twelve Colonies, the kids of New Directions were on board the Cybele, on their way to the All-Colony Show Choir Competition. Now they’re members of the Fleet, being chased by the Cylons and trying to deal with the day-to-day struggles of a life after the worlds end.
    fic:chaptered,series:battlestar galactica,series:glee,trope:apocalypse,!,crossover,genfic
  • Moon Knight | Steven/Marc, Layla, Randall, team | M | All the Ashes of Our Days
    Two years after Marc returned from The Duat alone, he and Layla investigate strange occurrences in Latveria.

    It’s a big multiverse, and it seemingly exists just to screw with Marc Spector.
    series:moon knight,fic:chaptered,pairing:marc_steven,trope:kidfic

  • Moon Knight | Marc/Steven, Jake/Steven | T | see through my act, tell me I’m wrong
    Jake ignored Marc and made a beeline right towards the gift shop as The Man In The Gift Shop Named Steven got back to his feet and went back to the register.

    “Jake if you go in there I swear to god—”
    pairing:jake_steven,pairing:marc_steven,series:moon knight,fic:chaptered,trope:amnesia

  • Moon Knight | Layla/Marc, /Steven, /Jake | T | A Safe Place
    Jake has one happy place. His pride and joy and comfort. When things go south, this is what he turns to.
    fic:chaptered,series:moon knight,pairing:layla_marc,pairing:layla_jake,pairing:layla_steven,trope:hurt-comfort
  • Moon Knight | Steven, Marc, Jake, others | G | Haunted & Holy
    Steven Grant had thought about going back.

    Back before Khonshu, before the military, before the idea that he ruined everything took root in Marc’s bones.

    He never thought he actually would.
    series:moon knight,fic:chaptered,genfic,trope:kidfic,trope:amnesia

  • Moon Knight | Layla/Steven/Marc, Steven/Jake | M | Orpheus, Eurydice and Me
    A petty Khonshu gives Steven and Marc what they wanted: their own lives.

    Or it’s what they thought they wanted. And now, if they break their pact, there’s consequences.
    series:moon knight,pairing:marc_steven_layla,pairing:jake_steven,fic:chaptered

  • X-Men | Aurora/Akihiro, Jeanne-Marie/Akihiro | T | Getting Up to Speed
    Aurora wakes up, and is pleased but very surprised at the present her naive little Church Mouse got her while she was asleep.
    series:x-men,series:marvel comics,fic:one-shot,pairing:aurora_akihiro
  • X-Men | Akihiro/Aurora, Jean-Paul/Kyle | G | Coffee Disrupted
    An anxiety lingering in the back of Jean-Paul’s mind is put to rest for a moment, and then he feels antagonized a moment later.
    series:x-men,series:marvel comics,pairing:aurora_akihiro,pairing:jean-paul_kyle,fic:one-shot
  • X-Men, Spider-Man | Peter, Kitty, ensemble | G | Initiation Rites
    Peter and Kitty just wanted to get wasted on vodka and pass out in order to deal with the holiday stress. But when Peter ends up having to assimilate into the X-Men household to escape the red-tinted glasses of the law, it becomes increasingly difficult to leave.
    series:x-men,series:spider-man,series:marvel comics,genfic,trope:kidfic
  • X-Men | Emma Frost, Scott, Erik, team | T | Clearance Sale (Everything Must Go)
    Emma Frost has lost it all: her money, her company, her boyfriend, her creepy super villain club, her dignity. (Un)luckily for her, The Master of Magnetism believed in second chances. But after those meddling kids kick her to the curb and conveniently forget she exists she had to find her own way, left with only her brains and a desperate ‘fuck you’ attitude.
    series:marvel comics,series:x-men,fic:one-shot,genfic,trope:outsider.pov
  • The Murderbot Diaries | Murderbot, ART, team | T | Aftershocks
    A natural disaster turns an ordinary planetary survey deadly. Despite ART’s urging, Murderbot refuses to leave until all of its humans are safe, even as it’s falling apart.
    series:murderbot diaries,genfic,fic:one-shot,trope:trauma,trope:hurt-comfort
  • The Murderbot Diaries | Murderbot, ART, crew | T | Contents Under Pressure
    Murderbot has extensive experience being shipped as cargo, and has no particular horror of it. Getting packed into a familiar transport crate to help hack a weapons manufacturer should be the easiest mission ever.
    series:murderbot diaries,fic:one-shot,trope:hurt-comfort,trope:trauma,genfic
  • The Murderbot Diaries | Murderbot/ART | M | Stalemate
    All I knew was that one moment, I’d been getting torn to pieces by a raiding party breaching one of the airlocks, and in the next they’d been dead, and then ART’s full attention- nearly 100% of its processing power- had been flowing through me, and it had been probably the most fucked-up orgasm-adjacent Thing that anyone, organic or otherwise, had ever experienced.
    series:murderbot diaries,pairing:art_murderbot,fic:one-shot,


Erin (re)watches Paranoia Agent

The entry for Paranoia Agent on pluralstories made me think “huh, I watched that back when it came out, maybe I should watch it again and see if I understand it this time.”

…pretty sure I did! Better than the first go-around, at least. It uses dramatic shifts in style and visuals to represent the perspective of different characters, and there’s a lot of wobbliness between “everyone’s reality,” “one person’s internal fantasy life,” and “this person’s fantasy life is bleeding out to have tangible effects on everyone else’s reality.” This time I feel like I actually had a handle on which was which.

Cartoon dog plush messing with his designer's keyboard

Also, you can’t get long-term invested in characters, because most of them only get the spotlight for one episode before the story is done with them. It helps to know that going in!

(The episode with the Gifted Kid having recurring distorted images of “he falls off his pedestal for some reason, and everyone immediately turns on him and mocks him” was, uh. Hashtag relatable. You could make a whole season just unpacking that, but nah, he only gets one episode and then we’re off.)

Ichi's mental image of everyone laughing at him

A video review that showcases the series really well (it has spoilers, but it warns you before that section of the review starts):

Note: there’s a character in here who’s plural — not in a metaphorical or fantastical way, they’re just a diagnosed system of 2-3 headmates, in therapy, struggling with when/whether to disclose their condition to people in their lives.

This reviewer thinks the non-host headmate(s) have “vanished” at the end of their arc. I don’t think it’s that clear-cut! Don’t let that put you off.

There are content warnings in the pluralstories entry, so check those if you have any dealbreakers. But if it doesn’t hit any of those for you…and if you’re in the mood for an anthology series that’s beautifully animated and unabashedly weird…consider this highly-recommended.

“Cover of Knight Cinematic Universe and also some other stuff in there” works roundup, 4/29

Leif & Thorn
Thinking Hard (sketch | Petal, Sepal | worksafe)
Touch and sway (art | Leif/Thorn | worksafe)

Moon Knight/WandaVision
Here’s What You Missed, chapters 2-3 (fic | Marc, Jake, Steven, Wanda, Darcy, Layla, ensemble | T)
Season Two Premiere – End Credits (art | Marc, Jake, Steven, Wanda | worksafe)
Art process – HWYM Credits 1 (behind-the-scenes art post, Patreon)
Art Process – HWYM Credits 2 (behind-the-scenes art post , Patreon)

Moon Knight/other Marvel
Dark Dimension – Perfect Lover (art | Jake, Steven, Marc, Madisynn | worksafe)
Dark Dimension – Earth customs (art | Strange/Clea, Cloak, Gus | worksafe)
Who Knows What v2ch34 (graphic | Avengers drawn by Steven | worksafe)
Bendis Run (comic | Steven, Marc, Wade, teammates | G)

This Week in But I’m A Cat Person:

Annotated reruns of the last set of bonus strips before BICP went into the endgame.

This Week in Leif & Thorn:

Tiernan’s advice for magical therapy pets continues! (Giving myself a break with a couple weeks of Cute Cat Scenes.)