Erin (still re)watches WandaVision

Listening back through the WandaVision episodes of the Still Watching podcast. It came out along with the show, so I’m getting to relive fandom churning through a million theories and speculation…

…and they’ve even floated a couple ideas that (a) weren’t jossed by the rest of the series and (b) I hadn’t considered before. It’s a delight.

There’s one exchange that made me head off to Wikipedia to double-check how X-rays work. It’s the opposite of what I thought — it’s not that denser materials reflect more of the radiation to make brighter parts of the scan, it’s that less-dense materials allow more radiation to pass through to the other side, and the film gets darker as it gets hit with more radiation.

WandaVision promo with Monica behind a series of TVs

Monica Rambeau gets sucked through the barrier of Westview’s weird pocket-reality early in the series, then thrown out, then she fights her way back in. It’s only after that second entrance when she starts glowing, and density-changing, and other obvious superpowers. But after the first entrance-and-exit, she gets X-rayed, and the scans come back 100% white.

It’s not just a general Ominous Weird Thing for our heroes to worry about! It’s specifically the first use of the power she’ll eventually describe as “absorbing and redirecting all forms of energy.” Her whole body absorbed all the radiation, not letting any of it through! That was fully deliberate foreshadowing, and now it’s years later and I’m only just now clocking it.

(Gotta wonder how much other energy Monica was absorbing, without even knowing it, during that time period. And if “burning through those superhuman reserves she had instinctively charged up” was supposed to be a key part of how she busted through the second time.)

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