Monday works roundup, 5/27 (Leif & Thorn, Moon Knight + Marvel)

Leif & Thorn
New directions (art | Thorn, Magical Thorn | worksafe)
Checking Out (wallpaper | Leif/Thorn, Kale | worksafe)
Thorn’s Royal Portrait (art | Thorn | worksafe)
Cloudy Kiss (art | Leif/Thorn | worksafe)

Moon Knight/Bojack Horseman
Fistin’ Around (art | Marc, Steven, Jake, Khonshu | worksafe)

Moon Knight/WandaVision
Here’s What You Missed, chapters 4-7 (fic | Marc, Jake, Steven, Wanda, Darcy, Layla, ensemble | T)
Reveals by Knight, chapter 35 (fic | Team MK/Layla, Wanda | T)
Holiday Special – End Credits (art | Wanda, Marc, Jake, Steven | worksafe)
Sliding Scale of Fourth Wall Hardness – End Credits (art | Wanda | worksafe)
Wrong Genre Savvy – Credits (art | Wanda, Marc, Jake, Steven | worksafe)
Adaptation Induced Plot Holes – Credits (art | Jake, Steven, Marc | worksafe)

This Week in But I’m A Cat Person:
Working through the debates about magic in the annotated Chapter 22.

This Week in Leif & Thorn:
Tests of AU Thorn’s powers get sidelined for a suspiciously-convenient boat emergency…

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